Here is a pic of the slate wreck surveyors - in one of the ally boats - before they were painted orange - left to right - Jeremenemenemeney Caroll !!!!!, Sid Wignall - famous explorer - ran lots of world wide surveys - including to Panama (John Stubbs went as well) looking for Francis Drakes coffin - a lead coffin which was chucked over the side - no-one has ever found it! Next is Cecil Jones - a psychologist originally but threw himself into marine archeology and marine biology and surveys of any sort, then Andy Jones great stalwart of the club - secretary, TO etc. during the 70's and 80's - now living in Oban, next is Anne Carroll and finally Ellis Jones the vet.

Picture taken at Pwllfanog in 1978.

Thanks to Liz Healey for the pictures and the info.
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