Sunday 18 March 2012

Menai Straits March 18th 2012

First sea dive of the season, access under the bridge on Menai Bridge side. Mike McCann was dive manager. Dived at low water slack10 45-1100h approx.
Divers - Mike, Kevin, John, John [Gill], Nia, Gethin, Wojciech, Carol

Mike asked me to post some photos of anemones we found on the reef under the bridge, which I've attempted to name - but as there're so many that look very similar I could be totally wrong!

The 2 above - I think - are varieties of Sagartia elegans (Elegant anemone). They look a bit untidy and have thinner longer tentacles relatively than Dahlia anemone and were on rock, rather than on the gravel bed.
The rest are vary coloured Dahlia anemones as far as I can tell, with some interesting fauna around and near them.  This is a very interesting site and I hope we dive here again - there is so much to see! 

1 comment:

  1. Very Well taken Carol. Enjoyed the dive, This is the place to dive if you wont to see load of sea life, without much effort.Loads of small crabs just drive up early to get a place to park and just drop in. A good place as an introduction to the wonders of the sea. Great for novice open water training, as they have a lot to see So there is a reward for being cold at the end of the dive, Not once did I hear any complains of being cold. That must be a 1st. Cheers
